Potty Page

March 26, 2006

Fating a busy pub?

You'll of cause remember my vain attempt to 'fate' a busy lab on Friday? That worked a dream and it probably the busiest Friday lab to date...

Well... I'm working in the pub and whilst it's not the quietest of nights it's still boring! Too busy to read my book... too quiet to actually do much serving!

With any luck a misguided coach will turn up in the car park...

You might think I'm off for wanting it to be busy and to actually do some work... the thing is... I'm sure I'm being paid to be bored... And work is therefore good 'cause it's something I'm not being paid to do. If you think that doesn't make sense I wouldo.t worry - I've lost myself too!

As an aside who comes into the pub with hardly any money... that's what happened earlier... The group ended up with a regular randomly subbing their round...

Posted by Ed at March 26, 2006 9:09 PM | WAP |