Potty Page

January 7, 2005

Numa Numa

I decided to visit the link Paddy had in his MSN signin name - just to see how cool he wanted to be (name saying that he wanted to be as cool as this guy). Anyways, it's a webcam video which seems to have struck the web by storm... hence I'm posting this here to be a Google whore again :-)

The video is basically a fella who's miming the lyrics (and dancing!) to "O-Zone - Dradostea Din Tei", which is that Romanian dance song that seems to have done well over the summer. The funniest part of the video, other than the dancing, is the photo of the feta cheese that appears to the lyric "fericirea".

Here's the lyrics...


Alo Salut sunt eu un haiduc
Si te rog iubirea mea primeste fericirea.
Alo alo sunt eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei
Nu ma nu ma iei nu ma nu ma nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.

Te sun sa-ti spun ce simt acum
Alo iubirea mea sunt eu fericirea.
Alo alo sunt iarasi eu Picasso
Ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.


Here's a translation in to English.

Posted by Ed at January 7, 2005 7:47 PM | Ramble |