Potty Page

July 19, 2003


Hehe.... I talked about slug pellets in my last post... well I've just been hunting around, and I've found an alternative that seems to have worked.

Here goes my hypothesis thing...

Slugs think peanuts smell intersting...

Salt kills slugs in an evil melting way, muhahahahaha...

Salted peanuts are an alternative to slug pellets.

It's quite a good thing that we played some sort of drunken game with peanuts and a Pringles tube before we left... the peanuts under the cabinet are working quite well I think :) Well I say quite well there are hundreds of trails...

The one slug I've found has been a baby one, so maybe the big ones have had babies... who knows...

Maybe I should go to bed :) A big day awaits :)... yey :)

Posted by Ed at July 19, 2003 1:54 AM | Ramble |