Potty Page

December 16, 2005

So, I've had one rant today...

...now time for another... which has been getting on my tits for ages...

What is it about this painted on tarmac which makes pedestrians go woooo... I won't walk on the bit with the picture of me on it... I'll walk there...?

Cycle Path Road Marking

I've noticed this on my way to work and way back from work for ages now (seeing as I ride in now-a-days). The cycle path is closer to the road than the pedestrian walkway, so I don't see why it could be tempting at all. I'm going to get a bell for my bike I think (or a big horn!).

I must admit, it is fun scaring the shit out of people by riding rather too close to them than I should... I waiting for someone to shout at me, so I can respond with " why don't you get out of &*@&*@%$"%^ing cycle path then?"

It gets worse when I ride home when people think... pavement for pedestrians at the side of the road... or road for veihicles... I know I'll walk down the road... why, why, why, oh, why?

There's a website (that's even Nottingham based) telling you what all the signs mean... like it's not bloody obvious... picture of bike... bikes... picture of human... humans... maybe the people who do it are sub-human and don't feel they are worthy of the footpath... it's a possibility...

Right, on my way home... which sort of starts now... I'm going to count the peds seen on either side of the path and bring you back the results... he's betting I forget!

Update: I saw 13 people... 7 of them were using the cycle path and 6 were using the footpath. That's over 50% of people using the wrong path. Grrrrr....

Posted by Ed at December 16, 2005 5:00 PM | Rant |