Potty Page

May 10, 2005

Thieving Gyspsy... French!

I'm getting so many people directly linking to images of my site that I really should make a category for it... you never know.. this might happen sometime soon!

Today it was the turn of the French (not the whole populus, of course...) to steal an image. I have no idea how it fits in to the conversaion they were having on the forum when the photo was posted. Google's translation doesn't do very well at it. If someone would care to give me a precis it'd be lovely!

Instead of putting something rude in French on the image - such as "Je suis un bohémien"(!?) - a song by that well know French 50s singer, George Guetary, don't ya know? I decided to opt for just putting another tagged link to my blog on it... not that they'll be able to understand...

I say this... the guy who stole my image apparantly has "pure acide for blood"... I shit you not, so he'll be able to understand.

Yeah, yeah, I know his translation is probably better than my "I'm a gypsy"... I'm pointing at myself and laughing... ha ha.

Posted by Ed at May 10, 2005 7:45 PM | Rant |