Potty Page

April 9, 2005

Fan mail?

When I was making myself some tea I found these on the table. I sort of guessed they were Matt's and thought nothing of it. Mainly because I didn't recognise the dude on the M&M photo, so guessed it must be someone from his new university.

Darth Vader Yellow M&M and Grand Central Station

Whilst tidying the table top I turned over the card to find it had my name and address on it... and a USA stamp...

Upon the proper postcard there was also my name and address and a USA stamp... but it was different hand writing!

Brooklyn NY

I've an odd feeling that Josephine might be involved... I'm sure one of them is her handwriting. Unfortuantly all the stuff with her handwriting on from before is back at home. Bit vexing that she lives in San Francisco and the things were posted in NY! That said I'm sure she visits there a fair bit (ish!). It's here birthday tomorrow. Coincidence?

If it is her I've not heard from her since July when we fell out because I thought she didn't want me to go to SF to see her, when infact she did! Wonder if she still reads the blog? Heh, she never really read it in the first place anyway! It might not even be her sending me the cards! So, do I break the silence and say 'Hi' or what? Bearing in mind I'll clearly get frustated with everything again!? And she'll hate me once more.

And what's the yellow M&M dressed like Darth Vader about anyways?

Crazy! Ah well they're both on my wall now. Thank you, whoever you are!

Posted by Ed at April 9, 2005 8:18 PM | Ramble |