Potty Page

June 12, 2004

Present for me :-)

I got a present from afar in the post today. It's rather cool! It's an ickle journal/notepad thing along with the message:

for those enteries that's can't be posted for all to see...

It sort of reminded me of a postcard I saw in my study support tutor's room yesterday when I was telling her my results1

practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty

Thank you so much for the present ({) It's so nice it'll be a shame to write in it :-)!

1 First person to jump for joy and flap their arms about madly and then give me a hug after finding out - she was more excited than I was when I found out about what I'd got (100 fold)! Very funny. I almost said 'Whoa' and ran away :-)

Posted by Ed at June 12, 2004 2:14 PM | Ramble |