Potty Page

April 2, 2009

Numbers and scale...

Today I read an article in the BBC News Magazine, it was all about how the use of numbers to describe stuff has become meaningless.

I saw a good example of this today, in some propaganda from the council...

Apparently, libraries cost 85p a week, that's less than a takeaway burger a week. City events cost 27p a week, less than a Mars bar. Link buses cost a whooping 6p a week, less than an apple (fruit, not IT, I guess). Care for disabled adults, £1.94, less than a dozen eggs. 28p a week on older people's day centres (less than a bag of crisps) and a whopping £11.68 is spent on children - less than a takeaway.

I've only listed things I don't currently directly benefit from...

Put another way, it's 784.16 quid a year. That's enough to buy return flights to Shanghai (with KLM this April) (£457 - ok, I know it's on offer...) and, erm, something else that costs 327 quid...

So, peanuts then.

Posted by Ed at April 2, 2009 11:36 PM | Rant |