Potty Page

June 10, 2004

Maybe the last post in the 'Course' category, ever!

I've got a degree folks. Magic stuff. I was humoured by some of the marks. Very humoured. Like getting a first in a module in which the exam paper for I answered a total of 13 marks out of a possible 80. I find that funny. Or 94% in an exam which was not written in English and I didn't understand. I've now lost all faith in the British university system!

I spent four years in Nottingham and all I got was this lousy certificate... ok so I've not got the certificate yet but hey... It's not actually sunk in yet, but then I've not been thinking about it either. I've been ill for most of the day. Got dragged to the bar after getting results where I drank a whole pint of coke and then had to run away to be sick. It's not like I was hung over from last night either (best night out in Nottingham this year, possibly even my whole time here) as I'd only drunk a whole single JD and coke all night, and some water. I was well happy nethertheless.

Yesterday rocked!

Things have gone a little pear shaped in the happy Ed front today, making him an unhappy Ed, but such is life. I'm going to try very very very hard and not to talk about some things on here anymore - it doesn't really help anybody in the long run and hurts other people who I don't actually want to hurt, even though I might think I do when I wrire the post. So yeah, from now on just assume I need hugs! But then everyone needs hugs.

Ed, you can be such a dickhead sometimes.

Well done to everyone else with degrees!

Posted by Ed at June 10, 2004 5:25 PM | Course |