Potty Page

February 11, 2004

I haven't posted for a while have I!?

Any one would think that I've been too busy :-)

Manda is here for a fortnight (well less than that now! and she's not actually here now as she's at home...). I digress.

I've added a new thing to the randomly chaning thing on my side bar effort. It's a magic site aggregator thing that shows the latest 10 posts on all the blogs I read which have got .rdf news feeds on them. Cunning stuff! Now you can make Blog-Ed your 1st point of call when you want to check if the other sites which I read have been updated :-)

Sites which are currently in the aggregator are:

Got any more feeds you'd like me to add... just add a comment and your wish shall be my command.

Here is its current output, should you not be lucky enough to see it at the moment and don't want to refresh :-)

10/05/10 (May 10 on Toph's Blog)
Posted by Ed at February 11, 2004 6:47 PM | Ramble |