Potty Page

May 27, 2003

Argh! It's 3.30am!

Today (well yesterday) has been quite cool :)

After being lazy and getting out of bed at about 1pm, I played lots of GTA VC and also attempted to get the network and sound working on Ant's linux installation on his laptop, with version 2.4.20 of the kernel.

Getting the network functioning was one thing... getting the sound to work is something much more complex... as anyone who's ever tried to get Linux installed successfully on a Thinkpad will know :)

There is a wealth of information out there on the net on the subject... looks like I'm going to have to rebuild the kernel :( Arse.

Went for a nice evening walk down the side of the canal, which was cool. Managed to come back some random way by just aiming to walk in the general right direction because we didn't want to walk back down the canal.

I also had a kebab, yum :)

I'm in the middle of the planning for my latest ClaudeStreet computer functionality thing... that being a little info webspace, for use by members of the house to gain cunning info, such as what's going to be on TV and when the next bus to leave the nearest bus stop to the house leaves and the like. I know it can be all found there on other website, but I think I'll be cool anyway :)

I think I should be going to bed now! Yawn!

Posted by Ed at May 27, 2003 3:37 AM | Geek |